Something I feel like I should blog about, as its been on my mind alot, is unity. The unity of the Church, the unity between Christians... what that really needs to look like. I get the feeling that although sometimes we think we are pretty unified, we are still along way off where God wants us to be - and we have ALOT to learn.
I know I have alot to learn, even the challenges with something as small and as simple as youth unite (the youth groups in Mandurah coming together for events) are significant. Our different experiences of church, our backgrounds and theologies, all seem to cause division too often. And we say its just diversity...
I wonder what diverse unity really would look like if we had that within the church.
My opinion? I think its one of the greatest callings of the church at large - to work towards unity. We'll never fully get there, but I'd say at this point in our life, baby steps are the way to becoming a functional body, one that is diverse, but not divided.
Because if we truly became the Body of Christ, would the world not see Jesus?
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